upcoming community workshops:

Saturday September 14th 4:30-6:30pm

Sunday October 6th 4:30-5:30pm * ONLINE *

Saturday November 9th  4:30-6:30pm 

Sunday December 8th 4:30-6:30pm

with the Support of New Works Dance,
all in person classes at q7 studios, 77 E 7th Ave., Vancouver BC

Access information and Register here

Workshops for organizations

are available both online and in person, with durations ranging from 1 hour to 3 hours, depending on the size of the group.

to inquire about availability and rates, please email

alexa.mardon@gmail.com with your organization name, number of people and preferred format (online/in person).

access information:

These workshops take place in both in person and online. They involve movement that can be scaled and adapted to most levels of mobility and experience with dance/movement. With advance notice of up to 10 days, we are able to provide ASL interpretation for the in-person classes. The online classes are not accessible to Deaf participants in their current form, as they require the viewer to participate away from the screen while listening to instructions.

Access information for each in person space is available in the registration form.

For the 2024 Season, we are grateful for the partnership of New Works Dance’s ShareDance Program.